Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 14, 2010

1/ Print-out and start work on the "take-home creativity assignment" found at the top of the course links at the right side of this page. Please bring these to class this week so that I can see how you are doing and answer your questions. If you can't remember how to do the creativity techniques on the take-home, please look at hte creativity slides that i used in class (these are also found at the right). These assignments will be due in class October 21.

2/ Bring your proposals for your "Tool or Toy " assignment to class. Each person will get one minute to explain to the class what problem area they are working on, and what they have been doing to solve the paricular problem or challenge that they have isolated.  The class will then provide feedback in form of solutions, encouragement or additional information or ideas. Use this as a sounding board for your ideas.

3/ We will have another build this week as well - interactive LED lamp sculptures


The Parnassus said...

im not really sure where to leave this but i just thought about the fact that you dont have the link to my blog, and i dont want it to look like ive done nothing in the class!

Cassandra D'Amico-Mazza said...

Here's my L.E.D Lamp post!