Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vibrobot 2010

Vibrobot 2010 was an overwhelming success.

What began as a simple exercise in exploring creativity techniques and the creative potential of some very basic forms of technology (a battery, a small motor, and some random materials), morphed into a collection of quite intriguing 'bots and mobile sculptures, all of which moved (one of the requirements) and several of which acted in quite unexpected ways.  

Students tried building and rebuilding their pieces, and documented their successes (and frustrations) along the way in order to develop a better understanding of how the creative process is not always smooth or linear. New ideas and approaches can  occur quickly, and accidents can lead to interesting discoveries and solutions.  This is all quite important stuff to keep in mind for future builds.


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1 comment:

Cassandra D'Amico-Mazza said...

Hey! Here's the blog for my tool/toy!
-Cass D'Amico-Mazza